What is possessive pronoun
What is possessive pronoun

Notice how some of the possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns are the same words: “his” and “its” for example. This is the how you can tell the difference between a possessive adjective and a possessive pronoun. Unlike the possessive adjective “our,” the possessive pronoun “ours” can stand alone all by itself in the sentence and still make sense. The possessive pronoun “ours” replaces “the family’s” to show ownership of the car.

  • What car is he borrowing? He is borrowing ours.
  • What car is he borrowing? He is borrowing the family’s.
  • Regardless, they replace nouns when they are used. Possessive pronouns may be in the absolute or adjective form.

    what is possessive pronoun

    Because they are pronouns, a noun, also called an antecedent, must be used before a possessive pronoun is used. Possessive pronouns show ownership of a person, place, or thing.

    What is possessive pronoun